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The advent of high-throughput quantification methods for biomolecules (such as proteomics or RNA-sequencing) has dramatically changed our ability to investigate cellular networks. Modern systems biology is exploiting these technologies in order to generate new insight into the functioning of molecular networks. An early promise of systems biology has been that this approach will also help in better understanding disease mechanisms at the level of cellular systems; an approach that has been termed systems medicine. In this symposium we will map out the current state of systems biology, both on the experimental and computational side. Further, we will explore the extent to which systems biology has already contributed to a better understanding of disease aetiology and to the identification of new treatment options.

We look forward to welcoming you in Cologne.

Conference Host: Professor Dr. Andreas Beyer, Systems Biology, University of Cologne


© 10th Anniversary of the Beyer Research Group | conference2017[at]uni-koeln.de | Impressum | Last changed: 30.12.2016